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Market Research


The early childhood toy: a category with future

The characteristics most valued are safety and design

  • Key4Communications

The category of early childhood toys still maintains its sales in recent months, thanks to values like safety and design, according to Guillem Sanz, from the the online portal Bebitus. "Parents can choose from a wide range of models and brands; attractive designs and packaging also help. The effort made by many manufacturers to incorporate in toys such as ecology, multiculturalism, gender, equality, etc. is a plus", adds Sanz.

Innovation and new technologies

Early childhood toys are more traditional aimed at the psychomotor development of the child and it is the baby alone to discover the colors, materials, shapes, etc. However, in recent time,  children and even babies have adopted tablets and smartphones as their own toy. Manufacturers have detected this trend and that is the reason why more and more toys incorporate new technologies. Matilde Alonso, Más que bebés (Soria), explains:  "For the first stage of the baby, the toy is still very visual, and particularly safe. Without much influence of new technologies. Sonia Gimeno, from Abacus, adds: "Above all, we can find toys for one years old child which already incorporate electronic components or linked with Apps".

The most valued: safety and design

The vast majority of parents today are aware of the importance of the emotional and intellectual development of infants, so that must be taken into account especially when a toy is purchased. What are the different skills that the baby will develop playing with it? Perceptual, reading and writing, coordination, etc... All these parameters are important. For Xavier Rabasa, from the stores Rabasa (Barcelona), "parents are aware but we are far from other cultures. You have to bring the toy to child development considering its abilities and shortcomings if any. "

The full report can be purchased at our magazine Puericultura Market.

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