Headline News
New exhibitors confirmed for the Barcelona Licensing Forum
The event, to be held in Barcelona 20 June, counts already with 15 confirmed companies
- Key4Communications
The Barcelona Licensing Forum counts with seven new exhibitors, taking the number of confirmed companies to 14. The new confimations include Arait Multimedia, agency in charge of Inazuma Eleven; CPLG, multinational agency with Where's Wally and Skylanders in its portfolio; the agent Edebé Audiovisual Licensing; El Ocho Licencias y Promociones, which manages the licensing programmes of brands such as Kimmidoll and Clanners; Luk Internacional, distributor and agent of children audiovisual content, such as Doraemon; Osborne, owner of the Toro de Osborne brand ; Planeta Junior, company that manages The Maya Bee, among other properties, and Selecta Visión, producer and creator of Clanners.
These names are added to a list that already included Advance Licensing, Biplano, Hong Kong International Licensing Show, Lima Iberia, Mattel Brands, Mendía Licensing and Nottingham Forest.
The event, to be held 20 June in the Barcelona World Trade Center, counts with the same exhibit area as last year, so booths are limited. In 2011 the forum counted with 18 exhibitors and 220 attendees.
The Licensing Forum is organized by the magazine Licencias Actualidad, published by Ediciones Just, also in charge of Key4Communications. The organization will soon announce the conference programme that will be held during the event and that will complement the private presentations prepared by each of the exhibitors.