Headline News
Positive results for Toys 'R' Us for the first quarter of the year
Learning toys is the category that registered the higher growth
Toys 'R' Us closed the first quarter of the year with positive financial results through increased sales of higher profit margin items, the
proper functioning of the online channel and a cost control strategy applied by the company. During this first quarter, the company has reduced its stock of products and has increased its profit before tax, interest and other expenses (EBITDA), which increased by 11.2% compared to 2011, to reach $ 119 million.
The category with the best performance were learning toys, which have grown by 6.7% compared to 2011, while the entertainment category registered a decline of 14%, consistent with the functioning of the global videogame market.
The proper functioning of sales in the U.S. market contrasts with the 5% drop in sales recorded worldwide. However, the poor performance in some markets such as Japan, a country still affected by the consequences of the earthquake and tsunami of last year, have been offset by increased sales in new locations, especially in China and Southeast Asia emerging markets, where the company plans to expand its presence.
During this first quarter, Toys 'R' Us spent $ 52 million in expanding and remodeling its stores, opening new stores and improving logistics and ICT company. The investment made by the company this quarter is less than the same period in 2011, when it reached $ 58 million.