Headline News
Licensing New Europe Show 2011 to be held in November
The event will take place in Zagreb
The Licensing New Europe Show & Conference will be held in Zabreb, Croatia, with a date set for 10-12 November 2011.
The show, hosted by Zagreb based company Creata Ltd, helps to promote the role of licensing in the New Europe region, an area comprising 35 countries and with more than 400 million inhabitants across Central, Eastern and South-eastern Europe, Russia and CIS.
Last year’s event attracted more than 350 participants who took the opportunity to share their experience and knowledge with licensing industry professionals and specialists from the region. This show is the only licensing event in the region that has official Licensing Industry Merchandisers’ Association (LIMA) representatives in attendance.
This year's programme will include company and property presentations, screenings, panel discussions, workshops and educational sessions. There will also be a special focus on Russia and CIS with a number of representatives from these territories having confirmed their attendance. In total, delegates from 26 countries have signed up for the 2011 show, with numbers already up on last year. Confirmed participants include international and regional retailers, producers and manufacturers, distributors, licensors, licensees, marketing agencies, consultancies, lawyers and licensing agents.
The venue for Licensing New Europe 2011 will be the Barcode Business Centre.