Spain, leader in mobile commerce growth
Over half of smartphone users made a purchase via mobile in 2012
- Key4Communications
More than 14 million Spanish consumers made a purchase through their smartphones last year, more than half of all smartphone users, according to the report Mobility and m-commerce, by Madvertise, a mobile targeting mobile European platform.
Spain became the European country with the highest growht in mobile commerce, 70% in 2012, especially in music, e-books and apps. The volume of commerce should multiply sevenfold in the next five years, reaching €19 billion in Europe, a figure that would be around 10% of total online trade.
Spain is also Europe's leading contry in smartphone penetration: 63.2% of mobile users had one of these devices in 2013, up 15% from a year ago, and above the average of France, Germany, Italy, Spain and the UK, which is at 55%, according to ComScore.
The Madvertise study also highlights the importance and growth of mobile payments, mainly thanks to NFC technology and the commitment of companies like Visa, Google and La Caixa, among others.