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"Retailers need a reliable, speed service as they have little stock"

Interview to Marcos Hernandez and Ferran Umberto, managers of Lil Ones


Lil Ones is a company specialized in the manufacture, design and promotion of childcare products. It expects to grow steadily based on quality products and a good service to customers. Marcos Hernandez and Ferran Umberto, managers of the company, explained in an interview with Puericultura Market that nowadays retailers "don't need to bid on large volumes of purchases but us to provide them with stock so that they can order new products when they need them".

- When and how did the company start operating? How has the evolution of the business been until today?
We started working with the idea of selling our own brand products in 2004, but the situation back that time forced us to focus mainly on the distribution activity. We believe that nowadays we have achieved a balance between both areas of business; distribution's growth is strong and our brand Baby Monsters is also increasing.

- How do you value the relationship with specialized retailers? What are their main demands and what strategies do you put in place to give more dynamism to their outlets?
Retailers increasingly need a reliable, fast service as they have little stock. We try to provide them with the right information so that they can manage their sales more efficiently. It is important to understand that bidding for large volumes of purchases is not as useful form them as having stock ready when they need it.

- Do you think that points of sale need to reinvent themselves? How could they improve their service to customers?
We believe that points of sale need to change in two important aspects, taking into account the last developments in the sector. First of all, they need to specialize in some brands because it is impossible to get to know all the ones in the market nowadays. Secondly, the physical point of sale will increasingly need a sales channel online or greater presence in the social networks to make themselves best known.

- What is your opinion about the evolution of the childcare industry this past year? According to you, which are the main trends for 2015?
Childcare market development was positive in 2014 and it seems that consumption is improving, but this progress is still incipient. We consider that during 2015 new products with excellent functionality and good prices and that also incorporate fun designs and versatility will come into the market.

An extended version of this interview will appear in the next issue of Puericultura Market. Subscribe on our website!

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