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"The product research, development and innovation occupy much of our work"

Interview to Amador Merino, commercial director of SARO


Amador Merino directs SARO, company founded by Antonio Saro who turns 40 this 2016. Shortly after creating the company, the public loved him two articles that would end up being big blockbusters: musical plastic boxes with animal designs, and children's umbrella. From that moment until today, the company has sought childcare SARO keep up in terms of changes in society and has expanded internationally. In the interview Merino explains the evolution of SARO since birth in the 70s: the functioning and structure of the company, communication strategies developed over the years to make to expand its market. Merino also appreciates the market developments of the childcare sector and reveals the company goals for this next year. There is an excerpt. The full interview is at number 134 of Puericultura Market (March).

- Do you plan to celebrate this anniversary in a special way?

- We plan to conduct a reminder of this event in the print media where we advertise as well as concrete actions we have planned to perform in our social networks (Facebook and Twitter). In addition, we will launch specific videos of articles of the company to our Youtube channel, all in constant contact with our bloggers and product specifiers.

- How is SARO structured? What values characterize them?
- SARO is a family business, in which each person, worker or employee is heard and heeded, considering it a fundamental part of all, essential in the project. As for values, the company is characterized by love for our profession, the total devotion and knowledge to find the best of each of us.

- From SARO, what importance is given to R & D? What investment is for the company?

- The product research, development and innovation occupy much of our working hours. We have our own creativity and design department and a specific department for creativity and clothing packaging. In addition, we are in permanent contact with the market and factories in order to achieve the best possible product.

- In 1987 SARO starts selling outside Spain and in 2000 outside Europe. Which are the main objectives in the international arena? What percentage of turnover means?

- Our goal is to continue entering EU countries and establishing new bases where market our products in Africa and the Middle East. Exports account in our company 30% of total turnover.
- How about the evolution of the childcare sector during the last year?
- The trend of 2015 continued in the stagnant market, mainly in the retail, expecting a market recovery in the spring of 2016, thus ending the restructuring of the same with moderate increases in turnover.

- Which are the objectives of SARO short, medium and long term?

- Our short-term goal is to end the era of economic stagnation. The medium-term objective is to achieve a level of activity similar to the 2007-2010 business. A medium to long term would be consolidated with our various business bases in Africa, the Middle East and Latin America implantation.

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