Headline News
European women gave birth to their first child at almost 29 years of age
Spanish and Italian mothers are the oldest first time mothers
A European Statistics Agency Eurostat study said that, according to data compiled in 2013, Spanish and Italian mothers are the oldest first time mothers. The average age of these mothers when they have their first child is 30.4 years in the case of the Spanish, and 30.6 in the case of the Italians, against a European average of 28.7 years old. After the Spanish and Italian mothers, women who most expect to have their first child are Luxembourg (30) and Greece (29.9), while the youngest are the Romanian (25.8) and Bulgaria (25.7).
This data, published the last Wednesday, confirm that also Italy and Spain are the countries where there are more 40 years older women that gave birth, with a 6,1% of Italian mothers and 5,1% of Spaniards.
Regarding the age chosen by the Spanish women to become mothers for the first time, 59, 4% of them gave birth in their thirties; 32 % do so in their twenties; 5.1 % have reached age 40 and 3.5% is less than 20 years when she has her first child.
Also, 127,000 teenage mothers gave birth in the European Union.