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Market Research


85% of the ‘Millennials’ will buy online this Christmas

Electronic, books, music and fashion will be the most sold products

  • Key4Communications

The Millennial Generation, formed by those people who is currently between 18 and 34 years old, is characterized for its habits when using the new Internet tools and the Web 2.0, as well as for its skills when shopping online. In that sense, 85% of the millennials will carry out their Christmas purchases through the Internet, over the 36% of the general average.

This is what the ‘Barometer of Christmas Shopping Trends’ launched by American Express shows. The report also shows that 25% of the total spending on this Holiday Season will be online, meanwhile this percentage is situated in 18% between those people who is more than 35. Electronic, books, music and fashion are the products which will be more bought during Christmas; electronic and fashion are the most required for millennials.

¿What will millennials buy?

The Millennial Generation will invest 41% on Christmas gifts this Holidays Season, 16% on free time and 11% on travelling, sectors in which young people will invest more than the other population segments. In the other side, 27% of its spending will be dedicated to food, over the 38% which spend older people. Regarding to the most bought gifts, the report stands out experiences (31%) and travels (20%).  

Internet as an information tool

The report shows that 77% of those young people use the Internet to guide their purchases, and 25% assures that they use social networks in order to find information, which contrasts with the 9% of the other population segments who use those online tools.

Overall, 75% of the people who participated in the survey has prevent to put off part of its Christmas Shopping to the January sales; that does not show many differences in terms of different ages. However, the volume of what millennials will postpone is higher.  

At last, the report shows that this collective between 18 to 34 years old bets clearly on card payments referring to the convenience and the spend control that it supposes for them.

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