Market Research
Reasons which got a negative effect on Spanish consumers
A study by Tyco unveils which is valued by Spanish when shopping
- Key4Communications
The biggest bother for 46% of Spanish consumers when they are shopping is that shop assistants to be too much persistend. Those data are deduced from a study named ‘Estudio sobre la experiencia de compra de los españoles’, made by the brand Tyco, in which the company already highlights that the second annoyance for the shoppers in Spain is that prices to be too high (42%).
Next, we find factors such as the disturbance in stores (34%), the excessive volume of music (27%) and the lack of availability of the clothes chosen size (22%), reasons which complete the Top 5 of elements which more trouble the Spaniards when they’re shopping. Moreover, for 20% of consumers it supposes an important bother the fact of not to find easily the product they are looking for. In that case, 35% of customers goes to another establishment or leaves the purchase.
Positive factors
In the other side of the balance, the study reflects that the good prices (50%), the quality products (34%), the store to be pleasant (32%), and that it is located in a central and good communicated zone (27%) are the most positively valued elements for consumers. On the other side, for 25% of shoppers it is important that employers to be available to advice customers and not to be too much persistent.
On its behalf, reasons such as quality of the guarantee period and ease for payment are not worrying much the Spanish consumer. Actually, only 5% of them are worried for payment ease that a store offers, meanwhile 6% are worried for the customer attention service to be simple and efficient.
Anti-theft systems
Regarding the anti-theft alarms, 57% of customers recognise that they would prefer that products not to have that system, but they understand that they are unavoidable. In that line, customers are also bothered when products are not accessible, maybe when they are in boxes or display cabinets with key. Moreover, for 61% of buyers, the most efficient system are anti-theft labels, because they allow users to touch and try articles without trouble. However, 50% of surveyed assure that they feel intimidated when one of these systems make alarms make sound in a store.