Market Research
The importance of managing the process of your store
Jordi Mas, Crearmas executive director, explains the keys in this article
- Key4Communications
Customers must feel that you care for them all the time, from the moment they enter the shop until the one they leave. Jordi Mas, Crearmas executive director, explains in this article that "by managing the process well in your store, the shop will begin to have customers who speak well about it and understand that your business is important to them, what will lead to them buying again. Take care of your customers and of the ones that aren't yet, because tomorrow they could be."
Undoubtedly a good process improves the efficiency of the establishment and may have an impact in different aspects such as increasing sales, convenience, speed of service, etc.
There are many key processes from the moment customers enters the store until the one they leave. There are four processes in which you cannot fail:
1. Welcome
It is very important that you take care of welcoming your customer properly. There is nothing worse than a person entering an establishment and nobody notices it. It is essential that salesmen make eye contact. A simple solution is to provide a welcoming smile.
2. Receiving customers
Once the client is already in our store, it's time to take care of him and make him feel special. There are commercial establishments that have a small manual on how to receive customers.
3. Identifying the need
How many questions do you need to identify what a customer wants? It's amazing how vendors sometimes do not want to identify customers' needs but simply want to offer what they think is good. It is imperative to realize that customers want to choose for themselves, so the salesperson should help him to find the right product or, if the customer is not sure of what he wants, help him to find out.
4. Listing customer opportunities
After asking and observing the client, a good seller will have a list of opportunities to serve the customer and help him make his buying decision.
If you work well these four processes and you draw good conclusions from the analysis, the store will begin to have customers who speak well and understand that your establishment is important to them, so they will buy again.
An extended version of this article is available at the number 127 of the magazine Puericultura Market.