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Physical retail sales continue to increase in Spain

GfK expects a growth of 3.7% this year

  • Key4Communications

Physical retail sales in Spain increased by 2.1% in 2015, compared to + 0.8% in 2014 and -2.2% in 2013, according to a study by GfK. Forecasts indicate that the improvement will continue and increase in 2016, with estimated growth of 3.7%. 2015 was positive overall for the physical retail in the 28 EU countries, with a nominal increase of 3% in turnover. The study also notes that the strength in the physical retail business will remain robust in 2016, although for the 28 EU countries is expected some slowdown, with average growth of 1.1%. There will be especially positive developments in Romania (+ 7.2%) and Sweden (+ 4.8%), which together with Spain (+ 3.7%), will benefit from growth in private consumption.

As the purchasing power of households, it increased in the EU to an average of 3.7% in nominal terms. This gave each EU citizen an average of 15,948 euros, with considerable differences between countries. Since inflation was about 0.0%, according to the European Commission, the purchasing power experienced an increase in real terms for consumers in many countries. In Spain, the share of private spending dedicated to retail stood in 2015 at 32%, almost two percentage points above the European average and in terms of sales area per capita, Spain occupies the 10th position among the 15 countries more sales area, with 1.11 square meters per capita.

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