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Retail trade slows growth in October in Spain

The sector accumulates 26 consecutive months of growth, according to data from the National Institute of Statistics

  • Key4Communications

As published by the National Institute of Statistics (INE), retail trade slows down its growth, with an increase of 0.6% in October, compared to the same month of 2015, a figure that is 2.9 points lower than the rate of September. However, the sector has already accumulated 26 consecutive months of growth. Likewise, excluding seasonal and calendar effects, retail sales increased 2.2% year-on-year, nine tenths lower than in September. Although in monthly rate, sales have fallen 0.1%, compared to the advance of 0.4% that was experienced during the previous month.

According to INE data, all modes of distribution have been able to increase their sales during the month of October, which were led by large supermarkets (+ 1.8%), followed by small chains (+0.8 %), Large chains (0.7%) and unilocalized companies (+ 0.1%).

In this sense, ten autonomous communities have seen retail sales increase, while it has fallen by six. The highest increases were in the Valencian Community (+ 3.8%) and in the Balearic Islands (+ 3.6%), the most pronounced declines were in Extremadura (-1.5%) and the Basque Country, while has not changed in Navarre. In addition, employment in retail trade has grown in all regions and has risen by 1.5% in October compared to the same month of 2015, which links 30 consecutive months of promotions.

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