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The sales of the European retail trade was increased 0,2 % in May

The European sales of the trade retailers rised comparated to last month

  • Key4Communications

Eurostat(European Communities Statistics Office) has made know, in a report that emphasizes a lightincrease (as 0,2 %) of the sales of the retail trade in the whole Europe with regard may to the previous month.
The countries of the EU that registered a major raise were: Poland (growth of 7,6 %) Estonia (with 5,7 %) and Ireland (+5,6 %). On the other hand, the major falls led Luxembourg (-10,6 %), Denmark (-2,4 %) and Belgium (-1,5 %).

If the comparison is realized with may of the previous year, the results seems more positive. In total the raise of the European Union was 3 % .While in 28 member states the numbers change a little bit, in Spain the sales increased 3,4 %.

For type of trades, the major increase in the turnover registered in the not food establishments, where the sales raised 4,2  %. In case of food, drinks and tobacco the increase was alone of 2 %. Whereas those of the fuel registered an increase of 1,3 %.

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