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30% of companies' sales are due to their loyalty program

Perfumery and service stations are the sectors where these programs are more successful

  • Key4Communications

30% of sales of a brand are due to their loyalty plan, according to the study "Measurement of the effectiveness of loyalty programs" of the market analysis firm TNS. The incidence of loyalty program in sales varies from one brand to another, reaching 74% in the case of Carrefour service stations, the brand with greater impact Loyalty plan. Sephora ranks second, with 59% of sales attributed to the program, and in third place, Marionnaud, with 55%.

There are sectors in which the correlation between loyalty programs and sales is generally higher as perfumery and service stations. However, within the same sector there are major differences between brands, such as perfumeries, where we find brands with 59% of purchases attributed to their loyalty plan and other ones with only 33%. Service stations brands move between 74% and 29%. Large retail brands are between 33% and 16%.

The study shows how loyalty programs have more importance in businesses with a contractual relationship with customers: the best well-known have between 38% and 28% awareness among its customers. Furthermore, in this type of business loyalty programs can move the client to a change of supplier, that is the case of companies in the sectors of telephony or energy. 5% of customers stated they would change their contract provider if there were offered a more advantageous loyalty plan. For some brands, this figure is doubled.

Jose Luis Melero, director of the study says: "To assess the efficacy of a loyalty program is necessary to know well its objectives, such as the type of customers to which it is addressed, knowledge of them and their participation, the impact on business, etc. and the choice of these objectives must arise from the business strategy of the company, its mission, vision, values ​​and strategies".

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