Social networks influence purchasing behavior in 70% of users
Nine out of ten users follow a brand in the networks
- Key4Communications
While in 2014 only 12% of social network users reported having ever bought through a social network, similar to 2013 data, 70% admit that they influence their buying process. Clothing, Footwear, Travel and Books are the main sectors influenced. Regarding the comments of other users, to 62% social networks are important in their decision-making, while 10% feel unaffected. Facebook (80%) and Twitter (25%) are the most used, although Youtube excels at finding information (23%), according to the latest report from IAB Spain "VI Annual Study of Social Networks", made in collaboration with VIKO .
The study provides an analysis of the behavior of users in social networks. The following highlights the key findings:
Relationship with brands
89% of users declares follow a brand on social networks and 38% says thet visit brand pages visit frequently, mainly to keep them informed and to participate in contests and promotions. Facebook remains the backbone to follow brands (88%), followed by Twitter (22%) and YouTube (7%).
Good perception of advertising on social networks
52% of users thinks that advertising is good and only 9% considers it undesirable. Although there is a slight decrease in the intention of sharing personal information, most users remain willingness (36% vs 25% yes no). Most followed sectors are Telecommunications and technology (39%), Culture and Media (37%) Beauty and Health (37%) and Food (34%).
Networks progress
82% of Internet users aged 18-55 years use social networks, representing over 14 million users in Spain, 4% more than in 2013. The differences by gender (49% male and 51% female) are reduced although it is still a younger user (35% between 18 and 30 years).
Use of networks
Most people use 3 networks. Facebook continues to dominate (96% users), followed by YouTube (66%) and Twitter (56%). LinkedIn, Instagram and Twitter are the ones that grow more (+8 percentage points), followed by Spotify, Pinterest, Flickr and Facebook (+ 3pp). Those who fall more are Tuenti and Badoo (-7, -10pp), followed by MySpace (-3pp).
In terms of valuation, YouTube remains the most popular social network, followed by Spotify, Instagram and Facebook. This assessment does not mean that YouTube is the favorite one, because Facebook remains as the favorite one for 65% of users, followed by YouTube and Twitter.
The main use of social networks remains "social" (knowing and keeping in touch with friends, watching what they do, sending messages), although the strength of YouTube and Spotify explains the boom of watching videos and listening to music (+7pp compared to 2013).
Frequency of use
The average use is 3.6 days per week, and 02 hours 51 minutes per week (11 minutes less than in 2013). Facebook remains the social network with higher frequency of use (daily, 4h30/week) followed by Twitter (5 days/week; 3h45/week). Instagram (4 days/week, 3 hours/week) reaches Twitter levels and ranks as the third network in frequency of use, beating Youtube (3.4 days/week, 3h30/week). Spotify grows significantly (4 days/week, 3h45/week).
The king device to access social networks remains the PC (99%), although the use of mobile (+5 percentage points) continues to increase at the same rate that smartphones do (+7pp), reaching 75% of Internet users. Tablets grow at a lower pace (+3pp) compared with increasing tablets market penetration (+14pp).
Prime time
Social networks prime time is, in this order, mid-afternoon, midnight and morning. PC is important in mid-afternoon, mobiles are important 24 hours a day and tablets mainly at night.