The keys of retail in 2016
Footfall analyses the trends in the consumers behaviour
- Key4Communications
The Footfall company creates one time per year a barometer in which they analyse the Spanish consumers behaviour, in order to obtain a business high efficiency level in the current year. In 2015, the recuperation of the commercial activity settled down its consolidation, started in 2014 with a growing in the affluence of 1,5% in the Footfall index.
In terms of week traffic, we can see that Sundays are the day of the week which are suffering higher growing of affluence and activity, due to the implementation of different strategies based on the value offer to the consumer. These kind of strategies are based on exclusive free time and restoration experiences which get to catch an important volume of consumers.
From the company, they explain that “in such competitive market which demands differentiation for the survival, the stores which are doing it the best are the big shopping malls, maybe due to its big retail-mix strength and integral offer”.
Economic challenges
After a 2015 of little growing and consolidation of the economy, 2016 is started as a year of the big challenges in Spain: the policy instability, the structural deficiencies, the unemployment taxes and the low productivity levels will affect the commerce. In that sense, the experts within the sector trust the strength of the exportation, the companies investment, the low prices and the improving in the employment taxes, to make the private consume to be again one of the main economy growing motors
Another important identity key for the sector, during this year, will be the “omnichannel sale”. Regarding this trend, there is a huge work to do by the retail sector, as well as carry out more and better initiatives in order to promote loyalty to the clients which decide dynamically where, when and how they want to consume.
Regarding these words, Footfall recommends “analyse in order to forecast and make predictions in order to optimise your efficiency. Every current business needs ambicious plans of annual goals. The only way to fulfil the determined objectives in a predictive way is to take the maximum advantage of the potential periods, as well as fit the costs in the quiet periods”.