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The turnover of electronic commerce in Spain has increased by 24.7 % in 2014

Data provided by the CNMC confirms that the net foreign trade balance showed a deficit of 922.7 million euros

  • Key4Communications

According to the National Commission of Markets and Competition (CNMC) , the turnover of electronic commerce in Spain has increased by 24.7% in the third quarter of 2014, reaching up to 4102.8 million euros.

E-commerce stores are the most revenues have been (60 %), of which 42% correspond to purchases made in Spain in Spanish sites, compared with 40% that corresponds to purchases originating in Spain but made on the outside.

Also, regarding the number of operations, the agency confirms that in the third quarter of 2014 a total of 58 million transactions were recorded, which represents a 24.3% increase.

In this sense, the sale of CDs, books and newspapers is leading the ranking for purchases, with 8.6 % of the total, compared with a fall from second to fourth place of downloads of applications and content (for the quarter above) .

The net foreign trade balance showed a deficit of 922.7 million euros

The tourism sector (travel agencies, air transport, land transport and hotels), direct marketing and garments are the sectors that have gained more revenue. The first, with 34.2 % of total turnover, the second with 5.2% and the third, clothing, with 4.2 %.

However, the net external balance (the difference between what is bought from abroad to Spanish websites and what is bought from abroad Spain), showed a deficit of 922.7 million euros: 44.5% of the purchases are recorded in Spanish sites and 55.5 % in foreign sites.

In addition, revenues from electronic commerce within Spain -Shopping made in Spain to Spaniards- websites have increased by 26.6 % year on year to 1.747 million euros.

90 % of transactions are made in Spain go to the EU

Regarding outward transactions originating in Spain, turnover was 1,639 million euros: 22 % compared with the quarter of 2013. Of these transactions from Spain to the outside, almost 90 % target the EU , followed by the US with 4.3%.

Regarding the industries with the highest turnover from Spain to the outside are travel agencies (9.5 % of the total), air transport (8.8% ) and the other specialized in food trade (6.3 %). 

As for sales from Spanish webs outwardly they have achieved a turnover of 716.5 million euros, 26.3 % more than in the third quarter last year. 74 % of purchases from abroad comes from the European Union.

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