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“The distribution has an essencial role for a license’s success”

Interview to Héctor Rubini, managing director of Giochi Preziosi Iberia


Giochi Preziosi Iberia has got a position amongst the most important toy companies as well as get over the difficulties that affected the sector during the economic crisis. Héctor Rubini, managing director of the company in Iberia, tell us which are the success keys for licensed toys. The complete interview is available in the edition 69 of the Licencias Actualidad magazine.

- For Giochi Preziosi licensing is an important trade area. Which percentage of the catalogue does it mean?

- The weigh of the licenses in our catalogue is variable depending on their success. If we’d had to do an approximated average, I would say that 60% of our sales use to be related with the licenses currently. Regarding to the catalogue, the percentage of licenses-related references can change even more.

- Which are your main licenses for 2016?

- We have many important licenses this year, but maybe we can stand out The Ninja Turtles, that this year will also launch a new cinema movie, and the arm of technological toys of Star Wars. In the preschooler part, we will keep on with Doctora Juguetes and Calliou and we have a great launching of a well known classic, Teletubbies.

- Which added value provides the license to the toy? What does the kid look for in this kind of products?

- The toy acquires, for the kid, a personality and leaves being a simple action figure. It is the character he or she knows and which the one they like to imagine his adventures. He knows its name, its likes and dislikes. There is a relationship between them and that is what makes that becomes special.

- Do you consider that manufacturers and distributors bet on ‘safe licenses’?

- I think that something about that is happening, but with a little bit of hints. In just a few years we drove the contents offer increasing. At the beginning, all this offer can be maintained due to the consume allowed that. When this fact changes, a lot of these offer does not achieve the expectation and create deep problems for the manufacturer and so for the distributor. That has to change.

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