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Minions has become the top-selling licence in Great Britain

NPD Group revel that Minion has replaced Frozen on the licensing market


Frozen, which was the top-selling licence for this year, since July 2014, has been replace for the Minions. The animation movie, was released in Great Britain on June 26 and the licence became the biggest seller in the week prior to the release of the film.
We have to considered, to explain this success, the exposure that enjoyed the Minions in the media and at retail.

This trend is now expected across other countries as the film gets released this month.
Fréderique Tutt, global industry analyst, NPD Group, declared “Expectations are high at retail after the general public allegedly demanded more merchandise following the first two movies. By being so different from the usual Hollywood blockbusters which feature super heroes, apocalyptic threats and good versus evil, the Minions movie with its anti-heroes has fresh appeal and a feel-good factor.”
Currently, Minions is the third best-selling licence in the French toy market end number six in the U.S.

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