Headline News
"Un juguete, una ilusión" will reach 14 countries
Toys manufactured in Spain will travel to help childhood development
Children from 14 countries will play this year thanks to the campaign “Un juguete, una ilusión” (One toy, one dream), which works with non-profit entities. It is about 59 NGOs working on various cooperation projects and develops an important work in child care, including Mensajeros de la Paz, Infancia sin Fronteras, Plan España, Aldeas Infantiles, Hermanas Franciscanas, Obra Salesiana Don Bosco and Hijas de la Caridad, among others.
This year the campaign will send dolls, trucks and balls and toys that promote gambling community - outdoor games, musical instruments, costumes, construction games ... - and they have, therefore, a playful purpose and educational. All proceeds from this issue will become XVI toys manufactured in Spain to be sent to El Salvador, Nicaragua, Peru, Ecuador, Guatemala, Paraguay, Panama, Honduras, Algeria, Benin, Morocco, Jordan, Guinea Bissau and Mauritania.